
Based on the analysis of 5 fb^-1 of data at the LHC, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations have presented evidence for a Higgs boson with a mass in the 125 GeV range. We consider the 125 GeV neutral Higgs pair production process in the context of large-extra-dimensions (LED) model including the Kaluza-Klein (KK)excited gravitons at the LHC. We consider the standard model(SM) Higgs pair production in gluon-gluon fusion channel and pure LED effects through graviton exchange as well as their interferences. It is shown that such interferences should be included; the LED model raises the transverse momentum (Pt)and invariant mass (M_HH) distributions at high scales of Pt and M_HH of the Higgs pair production. By using the Higgs pair production we could set the discovery limit on the cutoff scale M_S up to 6 TeV for delta = 2 and 4.5 TeV for delta = 6.

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