
The article examines the value of the Constitution in the context of social and political development of Ukraine. It is emphasizedthat the value of the Constitution is manifested in the fact that it is a unique document expressing the system of values and the programof life of society, the state, with the qualities of universality and obligatoriness. The Constitution enshrines and guarantees general legalvalues, values that are fundamental to society, the state, the people, and each individual. It is noted that the Constitution recognizes(affirms) and protects (ensures) absolute values – freedom, justice, the common veal (common interest), the common good, security ofan individual, society and the state, legal stability (legal order) – as the supreme law. The value of the Constitution lies in its content,in the fact that it enshrines and guarantees general legal values, values that are fundamental to society, the state, each individual – theactual constitutional values. Constitutional values (values recognized by the Constitution of Ukraine) are various objects of legal reality,recognized as basic values and enshrined and guaranteed in the implementation, protection and defense of the constitution as the BasicLaw of society and the state. At the same time, in the hierarchy of values, constitutional values certainly occupy the highest position,subordinating all other values.It is concluded that the value of the Constitution is the recognition of the dignity of any person, and the constitutionally recognizedability of public authority is to ensure human dignity. The Constitution of Ukraine as the core of the legal system sets the vectorof development of branches of domestic law, enshrining the basic ideas and establishing high-priority principles of existence, developmentand realization of social relations that require legal regulation. The importance of the Constitution of Ukraine can also be seen inits constitutive nature, which is characterized by ordering the system of public bodies, establishing a hierarchy of rules of law in thelegal system of the state. The Basic Law of the state is a spiritual good, responsible for ordering public relations, which allows assertingthe benefits of the Constitution, also indicating its value. Proof of the value of the Constitution of Ukraine is its ability to meet humanneeds, which is directly expressed in the known legal properties of the Constitution, such as direct effect and realness. Thus, the valueof the Constitution of Ukraine is manifested in the multifaceted legal, political, social and cultural aspects designed to prove its importanceand significance for modern Ukrainian society.

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