
C2C12 is a myoblast cell line which is used to studydifferentiation into multinucleated cells in vitro. Addition of calpain inhibitors, calpeptin orE-64d, to the culture medium prevented the myoblasticfusion of C2C12 cells. Immunoblot studies usingaffinity-purified antibody, revealed that the expressedlevels of mouse calpastatin remained unaltered duringC2C12 cell fusion. The detected calpastatin migratedas a protein of 130 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis. The estimated molecular mass wassomewhat greater than that in mouse liver anderythrocytes, and much greater than that reported inrat myoblasts. The 130 kDa isoform may contain anadditional N-terminal region designated XL domainfound in bovine calpastatin.

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