
The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity of maizedry matter in the consortium with forage or in single cultivation, oats + ryegrass in succession and the physical attributes in a Red Nitosol. The experiment was conducted in Concórdia -SC in the agricultural years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The design wasa randomized block with 5 replications, consisting of the treatments: T1 -Single maize; T2 -Maize + Pigeon pea forage (Cajanus cajan); T3 -Maize + Urochloa ruziziensis; T4 -Maize + Pigeon peaforage + U. ruziziensis, T5 –Pigeon peaforage and T6 -U.ruziziensissingle. The dry mass productivity (PMS) of maize, forage and oats + ryegrass in succession was determined. Also, the Rapid Diagnosis of Soil Structure (DRES) and the Mechanical Resistance of Soil to Penetration (RSP) were carried out after twoyears of cultivation. The presence of U. ruziziensisand / or Pigeon peadid not affect the dry matter yield of maizein both harvests. The highest PMS of oats were found in the plots following single maizeand the smallest for the second crop, where treatments with U. ruziziensisfollowed. For RSP, no significant differences were found in consortia and single crops. The treatments with U. ruziziensisobtained better indexes of structural quality. The corn consortium with Urochloa ruziziensis, in addition to not reducing silage productivity, provides forage availability in the autumn empty period, as well as improving soil attributes.

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