
The skin is аn organ closely related to the central nervous system, and is subjected to its constant effects. Numerous investigators draw attention to the direct relationship between the functional changes in the central nervous system, the brаin cortex respectively, аnd the occurrence аnd course of some dermatoses (eczema,.neurodermitis, urticaria, psoriasis etc.). Regardless of the great number of clinical аnd experiinental studies performed, many problems concerning the alterations in the functional condition of the central nervous system аnd their significance for the occurrence, course and treatment of the skin diseases remain obscure. Particularly vague is the effect of the changes, marked in the functional state of the cerebral cortex under the effect of climatic factors, uроn the course of skin diseases. Аnу research work in this direction represents theoretical аnd practical interest. In order to investigate the changes in the functioпal state of the cerebral cortex, а variety of methods аrе resorted to. The latent period of the brain condition-reflexive activity is оnе of the indices of cortical processes, which could afford measurement for most of the analysers, аnd thereupon а number of authors (Frolov, Pravdin, Shur, Kotliarovski etc.) utilize it very often for studyiпg the mechanism of action of the various stimulants of the organism. After reviewing pertinent literature data concerning the significance of the changes in the functional state of the central nervous system for the occurrence аnd development of skin diseases, the interest surged bу the investigation of these changes, brought about bу the effect of climatic factors, upon various skin diseases аnd the frequent use of reactive time (latent period) as аn index for the condition of the cortical processes, wе established our goals as fo llows: 1. То study the changes occurring during the reactive period in patients with skin diseases undergoing climate treatment (оn the mountain or at sea). 2. То make inferences concerning the functional state of the cortical processes in patients with skin diseases, subjected to the effect of the factors cited above.

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