
What compels quantum measurement to violate the Bell inequalities? Suppose that regardless of measurement, one can assign to a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ particle (qubit) a definite value of spin, called c-valued spin variable, but, it may take any continuous real number. Suppose further that measurement maps the c-valued spin variable from the continuous range of possible values onto the binary standard quantum spin values $\pm 1$ while preserving the bipartite correlation. Here, we show that such c-valued spin variables can indeed be constructed. In this model, one may therefore argue that it is the requirement of conservation of correlation which compels quantum measurement to violate the Bell inequalities when the prepared state is entangled. We then discuss a statistical game which captures the model of measurement, wherein two parties are asked to independently map a specific ensemble of pairs of real numbers onto pairs of binary numbers $\pm 1$, under the requirement that the correlation is preserved. The conservation of correlation forces the game to respect the Bell theorem, which implies that there is a class of games no classical (i.e., local and deterministic) strategy can ever win. On the other hand, a quantum strategy with an access to an ensemble of entangled spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ particles and circuits for local quantum spin measurement, can be used to win the game.

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