
Blanding’s turtle is a North American freshwater turtle whose main range occurs south of the Great Lakes; disjunct populations occur east of the Appalachian Mountains from New York to Nova Scotia. The species is listed as threatened or endangered in most of its range. We employed five variable microsatellites to examine samples of 300 individuals in 12 populations. Estimates of F ST based on pairwise comparisons of populations ranged from 0.000 to 0.465. Phylogenetic analysis of these F ST values reveals that the Appalachian Mountains and the Hudson River appear to present major barriers to gene flow in Blanding’s turtle. The extent of fine-scale genetic structure previously reported in the Nova Scotian populations was not found in other parts of the species’ range. We recommend that populations separated by the Appalachian Mountains as well as the highly disjunct Nova Scotian populations of Blanding’s turtle be recognized as evolutionarily significant units.

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