
The goal of this study was to determine whether somatosensory thalamic nuclei other than the ventroposterior nucleus proper (VP) have connections with area 3b of the postcentral cortex in squirrel monkeys. Small injections of the anatomical tracers wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) or 3H-proline were placed in electrophysiologically identified representations of body parts. The results indicate that, besides the well-established somatotopically organized connections with VP, area 3b has connections with three other nuclei of the somatosensory thalamus: the ventroposterior superior nucleus (VPS ["shell" of VP]), the ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPI), and the anterior pulvinar nucleus (Pa). Injections confined to area 3b or involving adjacent parts of area 3a or area 1 indicate that connections between VPS, VPI, and Pa and the postcentral cortex are somatotopically organized. In VPS, connections related to the hand were found medially, and connections related to the foot were lateral. In VPI, connections with the cortical representations of the mouth, hand, and foot were successively more lateral. In Pa, connections related to the mouth, hand, and foot were successively more ventral, lateral, and caudal, and the trunk region was caudomedial. The findings suggest that VPI contains a representation of all parts of the body, including the face. The connections of Pa with the primary somatosensory cortex, area 3b, the location of Pa relative to the ventroposterior nucleus, and the high degree of topographic order in the connections of Pa with the postcentral cortex suggest that Pa is an integral part of the somatosensory thalamus in monkeys and is homologous to the medial nucleus of the posterior group (Pom) in other mammals. Overall, the results contribute to the growing evidence that individual somatosensory cortical areas in monkeys receive inputs from multiple thalamic sources, and that a single thalamic nucleus has several cortical targets.

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