
Intrinsic viscosity, osmotic second virial coefficient and light scattering of the B m A n B m and A m B n A m copolymers (A, styrene monomeric unit; B, p-chlorostyrene monomeric unit, m and n denote the number of units) in cumene which is a good solvent for polystyrene but a θ solvent for poly( p-chlorostyrene) at 59.0°C, were studied over the temperature range 65° to 15°C. The results suggested that conformational transition from a random coil form to a segregated form occurs at a critical temperature which appears to be in the range 40° to 30°C, depending on the composition, molecular weight and structure of the block copolymers; the θ condition could not be attained by cooling the block copolymer solutions, and micelle formations due to intermolecular associations were found in some cases below the transition temperature.

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