
We discuss the properties of 1D stationary pulses of light in an atomic ensemble with electromagnetically induced transparency in the limit of tight spatial confinement. When the size of the wave packet becomes comparable or smaller than the absorption length of the medium, it must be described by a two-component vector which obeys the one-dimensional two-component Dirac equation with an effective mass m;{*} and effective speed of light c;{*}. Then a fundamental lower limit to the spatial width in an external potential arises from Klein tunneling and is given by the effective Compton length lambda_{C}=variant Planck's over 2pi/(m;{*}c;{*}). Since c;{*} and m;{*} can be externally controlled and can be made small, it is possible to observe effects of the relativistic dispersion for rather low energies or correspondingly on macroscopic length scales.

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