
Vinyl chloride is not a rare isolated incident of a chemical causing cancer among the workers exposed to it. Paper after paper presented at a New York Academy of Sciences Conference on Occupational Carcinogenesis late last month related worker exposure to a particular substance to an increased incidence of various types of cancer. Examples cited included development of respiratory cancers among hard rock miners exposed to an asbestoslike material, a high incidence of cancer among personnel who administer anesthesia and a high incidence of birth defects among their children, lung cancer among benzoyl chloride and coke oven workers, skin cancers among workers exposed to cutting oil mists, and leukemia among workers exposed to benzene. In recent years, Dr. Andrew Fairchild of the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health told the conference, cancer has replaced communicable and infectious diseases as the leading cause of death in industrial nations. And the World Health Organization ...

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