
Eimeria zuernii and E. bovis are host-specific apicomplexan parasites of cattle causing haemorrhagic typhlocolitis in young animals worldwide. During first merogony, both Eimeria species form giant macromeronts (>300 μm) in host endothelial cells containing >120,000 merozoites I in vivo. During the massive intracellular replication of macromeronts, large amounts of cholesterol and fatty acids are indispensable for enormous merozoite I-derived membrane production. From a metabolic perspective, host endothelial cells might be of advantage to the parasite, as transcription of several genes involved in both, cholesterol de novo biosynthesis and low density lipoprotein (LDL)-mediated uptake, are up-regulated in Eimeria macromeront-carrying host endothelial cells. In order to analyse further influence of E. zuernii/E. bovis infections on the metabolism of cholesterol, fatty acids, and glycolysis of the host endothelial cells, suitable in vitro cell culture systems are necessary. So far, in vitro cell culture systems based on primary bovine umbilical vein endothelial cells (BUVEC) are available for E. bovis-macromeront I formation, but have not been evaluated for E. zuernii. A novel E. zuernii (strain A), initially isolated from naturally infected calves in Antioquia, Colombia, was used for sporozoite isolation. Primary BUVEC monolayers were concomitantly infected with E. zuernii- and E. bovis-sporozoites, resulting in large sized macromeronts whose morphological/morphometric characteristics were compared. BUVEC carrying E. zuernii-macromeronts resulted in the release of viable and highly motile merozoites I. Overall, E. zuernii-merozoites I differed morphologically from those of E. bovis. The new E. zuernii (strain A) will allow detailed in vitro investigations not only on the modulation of cellular cholesterol processing (i. e. cholesterol-25-hydroxylase and sterol O-acyltransferase) but also on the surface expression of LDL receptors during macromeront formation.

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