
The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41 mediates the fusion between viral and host cell membranes leading to virus entry and target cell infection. Despite years of research, important aspects of this process such as the number of gp41 trimers involved and how they orchestrate the rearrangement of the lipids in the apposed membranes along the fusion pathway remain obscure. To elucidate these molecular underpinnings, we performed coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of HIV-1 virions pinned to the CD4 T cell membrane by different numbers of gp41 trimers. We built realistic cell and viral membranes by mimicking their respective lipid compositions. We found that a single gp41 was inadequate for mediating fusion. Lipid mixing between membranes, indicating the onset of fusion, was efficient when three or more gp41 trimers pinned the membranes. The gp41 trimers interacted strongly with many different lipids in the host cell membrane, triggering lipid configurational rearrangements, exchange, and mixing. Simpler membranes, comprising fewer lipid types, displayed strong resistance to fusion, revealing the crucial role of the lipidomes in HIV-1 entry. Performing simulations at different temperatures, we estimated the free energy barrier to lipid mixing, and hence membrane stalk formation, with three and four tethering gp41 trimers to be ∼6.2 kcal/mol, a >4-fold reduction over estimates without gp41. Together, these findings present molecular-level, quantitative insights into the early stages of gp41-mediated HIV-1 entry. Preventing the requisite gp41 molecules from tethering the membranes or altering membrane lipid compositions may be potential intervention strategies.

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