
In 21th century, everybody is attracted to computer which is the knowledge bank and emerges the profession. This computer causes visual and ocular symptoms arising due to the long time and improper working on computer. Ayurveda can help you to relieve eye strain, regain glow, and contributes to rejuvenate your eyes and also make them capable of bearing the day by day stress which is caused by excessive uses of computer. In current scenario nobody have time for self because of their fast life style. Wrong life style causes different life style related eye disorder that’s why principle of Dinacharya is more relevant in current era. Our ancient sages have also given prime importance to eye by considering it as the most vital sense organ among all sense organs. Prevention is better than cure so all the practices given in Ayurveda in Dincharya chapter need to applied in daily life for the prevention and control of life style related eye disease. Principle of Dinacharyoukt padabhyanga is more relevant in current era because of nobody has time even for them self due to hurry and running according to fast life-style. The essence of this review article is that we cannot changed this trend of present time because of its demand of this era but we can be modified lifestyle by simple interventions of Dinacharyoukt padabhyanga practices in our daily life.

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