
Canada is developing a 1200 MWe supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR), which has evolved from the well-established pressure-tube type CANDU®1 reactor. This SCWR reactor concept, which is often referred to as the Canadian SCWR, uses supercritical water as a coolant, has a low-pressure heavy water moderator, and a direct cycle for power production. The reactor concept incorporates advanced safety features, such as passive emergency core cooling, long-term decay heat rejection to the environment, and fuel melt prevention via passive moderator cooling. To support these features, major systems and major components are identified and laid out inside the reactor buildings.The Canadian SCWR uses 2 nested reactor buildings for 2 separate functions: (i) a leak-tight containment building to house all safety-related systems and (ii) a shield building to protect critical components against external threats, such as airplane crashes, missile attacks, tornados, and flooding. Two redundant and independent passive saf...

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