
Skin is the mirror image of body and mind, which is also the largest organ of body; it reflects physical, mental and physcho-logical state of an individual. Skin not only covers and protects the body but also performs some functions of excretion and metabolism. In the Ayurvedic texts all skin disorders are included under the Kushtaroga. Which is further classified in two divisions i.e. Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta, Vicharchika is one among them. Kushtha is one among Ashtamahagada al-so.Vicharchika is a type of kshudra kushta & Sadhya Kushtha by all acharya, often encountered by Ayurvedic Dermatologists characterized with symptoms likes Kandu, Srava, Pidika and Shyavavarna. Vicharchika can be seen at any age but fre-quently at a young age due to exposure to occupational, environmental factors, and mental stress. Junk food, irregular eat-ing, repressing natural desires, using cosmetics and other chemicals, a polluted environment, a demanding existence, and emotional disorders all unquestionably play a significant role in the emergence of Vicharchika nowadays. The clinical presentation of Vicharchika is similar to Eczema in modern dermatology. Eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) is charac-terized by dry itchy skin with areas of poorly demarcated erythema and scale. Pruritus, erythema, oedema, papules, vesci-cles and oozing in the acute phase whereas itching, scaling, dryness, hyperpigmented and lichenified (thickened), and exco-riations (scratch marks) are frequently seen in the chronic phase. By purging vitiated dosha and balancing the Dosha and Dhatu, Ayurveda provides treatment for the root of Vicharchika. Shodhana, Shamana, and Rasayana therapy make up the mainstay of Ayurveda's treatment for this illness.

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