
Concentric membranous bodies (CMB) are described in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes in a liver biopsy from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Histologically, the biopsy showed binucleated hepatocytes and rosette formation with lymphocytic infiltrates in portal fields. Hepatocyte cytoplasm showed focal fatty metamorphosis, focal staining for RNA with azure B at pH 4.0 (which was perchloric acid labile), diffuse alloxan-Schiff staining for protein, and PAS-positive, diastase-sensitive glycogen. By electron microscopy one to three CMB were present in 10-15% of hepatocytes. CMB appeared as concentric, "fingerprint" or parallel arrays of particle-studded, membranous profiles. Other membranous configurations included mazelike forms. The space of Disse was dilated. Bile ductular changes included basement membrane thickening and redoubling and luminal bulging of ductular epithelium devoid of microvilli. CMB have been rarely reported in human hepatoma and have not heretofore been observed in non-neoplastic human liver. Their appearance in hepatocytes in a patient with SLE may reflect an increase in protein synthesis during regeneration.

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