
This study aims to determine the concentration index of feed production based on harvested area of rice plants in the farmer groups, Siparappe Village, Sawitto District, Pinrang Regency as one of the ruminant livestock feed bases in fulfilling animal foods. This research uses quantitative methods. The data used is primary data from farmer groups to obtain information on the harvested area of rice. The results showed that there are 16 farmer groups in Siparappe Village, Sawitto District, Pinrang Regency with a total number of members as many as 857 mambers. The average production of rice waste is 636.86 tons/ha for the average fresh production; 360.48 tons/ha for dry production; and 319.23 tons/ha for dry matter production. Furthermore, the Concentration Index of Feed Production (CIFP) value sourced from rice plant waste has modium production in 5 farmer groups and low production in 11 farmer groups. This shows that the availability of ruminant feed has not been fulfilled if it only relies on rice plant waste in Siparappe Village, Sawitto District, Pinrang Regency.

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