
Objectives: To characterize the scientific production on communication in palliative care published in online journals in the period 2006-2011, as well as to investigate the contributions of communication as a therapeutic approach for palliative care in terminal patients. Material and Methods: This is an integrative literature review based on searches on the databases: Latin America and Caribbean Literature of Information in Health Sciences (LACLIHS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Brazilian Database of Nursing (BDN). For data collection, the descriptors “communication and palliative care” were used. The sample was composed of sixteen publications. Results: The analysis of the publications made possible to identify two thematic categories – “Communication in palliative care: care instrument with the terminal patient”; and “Communication Strategies used in the care of the terminal patient”. Conclusion: It was found that the number of publications highlighting this theme is considered incipient. However, communication in palliative care is an essential tool for the promotion of palliative care in this stage of life. Thus, this study has raised innovative perceptions concerning the use of communication in relation to the care procedures, which may benefit the inclusion of this content in the curricula of health professionals. DESCRIPTORS: Communication. Palliative Care. Health.

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