
An independent set of three of vertices is called an asteroidal triple if between each pair in the triple there exists a path that avoids the neighborhood of the third. A graph is asteroidal triple-free (AT-free, for short) if it contains no asteroidal triple. The motivation for this work is provided, in part, by the fact that AT-free graphs offer a common generalization of interval, permutation, trapezoid, and cocomparability graphs. Previously, the authors have given an existential proof of the fact that every connected AT-free graph contains a dominating pair, that is, a pair of vertices such that every path joining them is a dominating set in the graph. The main contribution of this paper is a constructive proof of the existence of dominating pairs in connected AT-free graphs. The resulting simple algorithm can be implemented to run in time linear in the size of the input, whereas the best algorithm previously known for this problem has complexity O(¦V¦3) for input graph G=(V, E).

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