
Recently pure rotary fan beam computerized tomography (CT) body scanners have been successfully demonstrated by Artronics, AS&E, GE and Varian. These scanners have the large solid angle detection efficiency required by proposed practical isotope source-based CT scanners. Current scanners employ broad-energy bremsstrahlung sources at 100–140 kVp. The nonlinearity of polychromatic X-ray attenuation introduces significant absolute accuracy errors in the CT image even when sophisticated software corrections are employed. Accuracy is important in heavy ion treatment planning and quantitative physiological measurements. A 100 Ci 153Gd source would enable accurate, industry competitive 20 sec scans, but would require a specific activit 3–10 times the current state of the art. The dual monochromatic energy emission at “43” keV and “100” keV of 153Gd can be utilized to simultaneously reconstruct electron density and atomic number CT images. These techniques may be useful for the development of a low-cost dedicated CT scanner for therapy planning.

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