
We correlated the surgical findings and the findings of computerized tomographic scans of the temporal bone in 38 ears from 38 patients with Menière's disease (31 unilateral and 7 bilateral) treated by endolymphatic sac (ES) drainage surgery between 1986 and 1991. At surgery, the position and size of the ES were recorded. The position of the ES was classified as one of three types according to Arenberg's parameters (type I, type II and type III) and the size of the ES was classified as large, intermediate or small. Scans encompassing the lateral semicircular canal were used to measure the minimum distance between the posterior semicircular canal and the posterior petrous surface (P-P distance). The P-P distance in 23 type III cases was significantly shorter (2.25 mm) than in 13 type II cases (3.39 mm). The P-P distance in 9 large-sized ES cases was significantly longer (3.99 mm) than in 20 intermediate-sized ES cases (2.40 mm) and in 9 small-sized ES cases (1.92 mm). Significant correlations were found in patients with Menière's disease between a short P-P distance and type III ES position, and also between a short P-P distance and an intermediate or small-sized ES.

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