
We present Monte Carlo simulations in the NVT ensemble forspherical particles of diameter σ interacting via ahard-core potential with a square-shoulder (SS) repulsivebarrier, a square-well (SW) attraction, and a secondSS repulsion. This discrete potential is usedto mimic the pair interaction in confined colloidal systems atthe air/water interface. The SW attraction represents asecondary minimum for large interparticle distances, and the SSrepulsion is a shallow secondary maximum after the secondaryminimum. The effect of the SS range λrσ isstudied for the cases λr = 0, 6, and 7. The simulationresults for the last two cases indicate the important role ofthe presence of the secondary maximum in the interactionpotential, since they are able to reproduce the main featuresobserved in colloidal particles trapped at the air/waterinterface, such as clustering, chain formation, foams, and thepresence of voids.

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