
Complex 3-D defects of the facial skeleton are difficult to reconstruct with freehand carving of autogenous bone grafts. Onlay bone grafts are hard to carve and are associated with imprecise graft-bone interface contact and bony resorption. Autologous cartilage is well established in ear reconstruction as it is easy to carve and is associated with minimal resorption. In the present study, we aimed to reconstruct the hypoplastic orbitozygomatic region in a patient with left hemifacial microsomia using computer-aided design and rapid prototyping to facilitate costal cartilage carving and grafting. A three-step process of (1) 3-D reconstruction of the computed tomographic image, (2) mirroring the facial skeleton, and (3) modeling and rapid prototyping of the left orbitozygomaticomalar region and reconstruction template was performed. The template aided in donor site selection and extracorporeal contouring of the rib cartilage graft to allow for an accurate fit of the graft to the bony model prior to final fixation in the patient. We are able to refine the existing computer-aided design and rapid prototyping methods to allow for extracorporeal contouring of grafts and present rib cartilage as a good alternative to bone for autologous reconstruction.

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