
Accurately modeling membrane processes is critical to evaluating novel process configurations, designing scalable membrane systems, informing process cost estimates, and directing future research. Most membrane process models trade accuracy for computational efficiency by employing simplified approximations of the process (i.e. no salt flux, no pressure drop) and solution properties (i.e. ideal solution, and constant density, viscosity, and diffusivity). This work presents a detailed one-dimensional finite difference model for evaluating membrane processes that avoids these common simplifications. We apply this model to quantify the error introduced by these simplifications for case studies of reverse osmosis, osmotically assisted reverse osmosis, forward osmosis, and pressure retarded osmosis. While the magnitude of error introduced by these simplifications is dependent on the case study parameters and specifications, we find that existing model formulations can underestimate or overestimate average water flux by nearly 50% for some membrane processes operating under standard conditions. Finally, we investigate the error introduced by simplified inlet-outlet models that do not solve the governing system of differential equations, and we assess the accuracy of novel inlet-outlet formulations that use a log and geometric mean, instead of the typical arithmetic mean, to represent non-linear water flux profiles.

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