
Many proteins function through conformational transitions between structurally disparate states, and there is a need to explore transition pathways between experimentally accessible states by computation. The sizes of systems of interest and the scale of conformational changes are often beyond the scope of full atomic models, but appropriate coarse-grained approaches can capture significant features. We have designed a comprehensive knowledge-based potential function based on a C alpha representation for proteins that we call the virtual atom molecular mechanics (VAMM) force field. Here, we describe an algorithm for using the VAMM potential to describe conformational transitions, and we validate this algorithm in application to a transition between open and closed states of adenylate kinase (ADK). The VAMM algorithm computes normal modes for each state and iteratively moves each structure toward the other through a series of intermediates. The move from each side at each step is taken along that normal mode showing greatest engagement with the other state. The process continues to convergence of terminal intermediates to within a defined limit--here, a root-mean-square deviation of 1 A. Validations show that the VAMM algorithm is highly effective, and the transition pathways examined for ADK are compatible with other structural and biophysical information. We expect that the VAMM algorithm can address many biological systems.

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