
The purpose of this trial was to examine the effect of acupuncture combined with 90 days’ NBP continuous habitual therapy and routine rehabilitation training could more effectively improve the physical movement, life activities, cognitive and psychological disorders of stroke patients. Our trial was a double-center trial and retrospective cohort study. The Acupuncture group received additional bedside acupuncture treatment and was given NBP injection 100ml twice a day in the first 14 days, and sequential NBP soft capsule 200mg three times a day in the next 76 days. The No Acupuncture group only received conventional rehabilitation treatment. Primary outcomes were NIHSS, ADL and mRS which were evaluated in 6 months. Secondary outcomes included MMSE, MoCA, HAMA and HAMD; all were evaluated in 6 months. And the adverse reaction or other serious adverse events were evaluated at each time. We found that this therapy could significantly increase the scores of ADL, MMSE, MoCA, decreased the scores of NIHSS, mRS and the incidence of HAMA, HAMD of patients with ischemic stroke (P<0.05), which indicated that comprehensive rehabilitation of acupuncture as an additional therapy combined with the 90 days’ NBP sequential therapy could improve the cognitive, psychological and behavioral functions of ischemic stroke without significant side effect.

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