
Abstract: This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the physicochemical parameters in Lake Goverdhan Sagar, aiming to provide valuable insights into its current environmental status. Water samples were collected from various predetermined sampling sites across the lake during Jan 2023 to April 2023 different sampling stations and depths. A set of physicochemical parameters including temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and major ion concentrations (such as chloride, sulfate, calcium, and magnesium) were analyzed using standard methods and instruments. The average Temperature of water was 28.57 °C, Colour and Odour disagreeable, and pH of lake was found with mean value of 8.7. During the study the mean value of BOD 3.96 ppm and COD 45.88 ppm was observed. The mean value of dissolved Oxygen (DO) 5.48 was found and satisfactory for the survival and growth of aquatic organisms. Similarly the mean value of nitrogen was determined as 7.24 ppm, which is under permissible limit. The hardness is mainly due to calcium and magnesium ions. During the study, mean value of total hardness, Calcium hardness and Magnesium hardness was observed as 30.82 ppm, 7.40 ppm and 23.43 ppm respectively, which are under permissible limits. Finding of lake water which recorded mean value of total alkalinity 253.58 ppm. During the study mean value of chloride content observed as 165.20 ppm which is below the permissible limit and Fluoride content 0.58 ppm was found as a mean value. According to study the high value of pH, EC and TDS characteristics of Goverdhan Sagar Lake shows its nutrient rich and alkaline nature. The water quality indicated that the water of lake is suitable for the fishery and gardening purpose. However, water of the lake was not found suitable for potable and domestic uses as the high value of bacterial load, bio-chemical oxygen demand and Chemical oxygen demand showed its high pollution status

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