
<p>Soil organic matter (SOM) is composed of multiple components from the living material, such as phenolic compounds, organic acids, lipids, peptides, polyesters, etc. A relevant part of these compounds forms part of supramolecular structures or mineral associations. Non-exchangeable hydrogen in SOM compounds is worth of study as an approach to estimate dynamic processes such as stabilization, mineralization, or biodegradation. The determination of H isotopes in SOMs faces analytical challenges related with e.g., the strength of the H bond, its exchangeability with ambient H from water or the instability of the isotopic analysis [1]. Nonetheless, along with the study of C isotopes, the study of H isotopes may certainly result in a complementary to give some light in this complex system, estimate the fate of organic compounds, and to better understand the link between hydrogen and carbon cycles in SOM [2].</p><p>In this communication, we describe and validate a methodology based on analytical pyrolysis for the direct measure of compound-specific H isotope composition (δ<sup>2</sup>H) in soil samples. The technique combines Py-GC with a high-temperature conversion reactor and a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) (Py-GC-HTC-IRMS).</p><p>Composite <em>dehesa</em> surface (0-10 cm) soil samples (Pozoblanco, Córdoba, Spain) were taken from four forced climatic treatment plots representing warming (W), drought (D), its combination (W+D), and control (D), installed in two different habitats: under evergreen oak canopy and in the open pasture. The samples were analysed in triplicate by conventional analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) and in parallel for δ<sup>2</sup>H Py-CSIA using the same chromatographic conditions and separation column type.</p><p>Up to 32 compounds were identified by Py-GC/MS, which H isotope composition corresponded presumably to non-exchangeable H, and with origin mainly from lignin (G- and S- units) and lipids. The H isotope composition showed an estimated average of -55 ‰ ± 7.09 for G-lignin units, -64 ‰ ± 8.64 S-lignin units and lighter -112 ‰ ± 4.32 for fatty acids (-109 ‰ ± 3.65) and the n-alkane series (C-19 to C-31). Significant differences are reportedly driven by the differences in habitat: more depleted δ<sup>2</sup>H values were found in SOM produced in the open pasture than under the tree canopy. In addition, a δ<sup>2</sup>H enrichment is observed for lignin-derived compounds in SOM under the W+D treatment.</p><p>The technique used and tested is expected to bring novelty results in relation to the processes affecting the isotopic composition of non-exchangeable hydrogen exerted by climatic treatments on diverse SOM specific compounds. Besides presenting the analytical challenges that are faced, we will discuss the effects of canopy and climatic treatments to tackle potential harsh climatic conditions as predicted, especially in Mediterranean areas. </p><p><strong>Acknowledgement:</strong> INTERCARBON project (CGL2016-78937-R), DECAFUN (CGL2015-70123-R). MICIU for funding FPI research grants (BES-2017-07968). Mrs Desiré Monis, Mrs Alba M. Carmona & Mr Eduardo Gutiérrez González are acknowledged for technical assistance.</p><p>[1] Paul, A. et al (2016). <em>Biogeosciences, 13</em>, 6587–6598.</p><p>[2] Seki, O. et al (2010). <em>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74</em>(2), 599-613.</p>

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