
Topicality of the research is due to the scientific need to systematize the reasons of syntactic structures in the studies which influence the choice of the writer. On this basis, the need of clarifying the factors that influenced the choice of writers is updated. This means that researchers pay attention not only to structural, semantic and communicative features of complex sentences, but special attention is paid to the study of their writing potential. Of course, expressive features and functions of complex sentences that are directly involved in their formulation and design composition are shown in fiction. In the contextual environment we are able to explore more features of such syntactic structures. Among the constructions that were not the subject of this comprehensive analysis, there are complex sentences with subordinate goals and causes as a variety of sentences dismembered with a value of condition in the novels by Vasyl Shklyar "Black Raven", "Marusya". The object of our scientific research is complex sentences with subordinate goals and causes as a variety of segmented structure sentences with the value of condition in the novels by Vasyl Shklyar "Black Raven", "Marusya". 
 The material of study includes novels by Vasyl Shklyar "Black Raven", in which "Marusya" 71 complex sentences of purpose, (33%), and 27 sentences of contractors reasons, (26%) of all complex sentences segmented structure with the value of condition. Were these singled out sentence structures perform a variety of functions: they help express the author’s attitude to the depicted events, reveal the inner world of the hero, a true atmosphere of sincere conversation. Complex sentences with subordinate causes in the analyzed Vasyl Shklyar novels are also represented, though not distinguished by the diversity of communication. They dominate in the stories of the characters, monologues and dialogues, landscape descriptions. These designs clearly differentiate artistic speech, eliminate ambiguity of complexity. Their functioning, semantic and stylistic role is regulated by individual author's style. Most sentences contain emotional and evaluative component, help to outline the spiritual ideals of the writer, his inner world and feelings. Certified units demonstrate the wealth of author’s artistic language. In this work we described only two types of sentences. Similar scientific research may be subject to further detailed studies and scientific interests.

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