
The advent of integrated circuits (IC), primarily made from silicon (Si), revolutionised the electronics industry in the past century. However, with the increasing complexity of applications over the years in terms of higher speed, smaller size, low noise, high power handling capacities coupled with lower cost, triggered a wider use of compound semiconductors in some specific applications. The properties of these compound semiconductors can be modulated by changing the combination of constituent elements, thereby altering the bandgap suitable for the chosen application. Over the years, many elements from groups III & V and II & VI of the periodic table have been combined to create newer compositions with unique properties suitable for various critical applications. Nowadays, even IV-IV materials like SiGe, etc. are also explored. The higher internet speeds, backed up by a very strong fibre optic network, higher computing speeds and many other related applications have also triggered the development of photonic devices in addition to various electronic devices. Various compound semiconductor materials are found to exhibit very good performance in terms of reliability, size, production scalability, speed and many other pertinent issues as required. With the recent pace of development, future devices will require further enhancements. The wide range of applications required will also present greater complex challenges. So, the need for finding newer compound semiconductor materials with wider bandgaps and specialised characteristics is on the rise. In the present work, the authors have made an attempt to review the applications of compound semiconductor-based devices in the fields of energy, defense, biomedical (including wearable sensors) and optoelectronic applications. It is estimated that newer materials developed through research in the coming days will significantly improve the quality of life for the entire human civilization

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