
The accumulations of massive sulfides, mostly pyrrhotite, and the accompanying Pt–Pd and gold mineralization in the more eroded Lantar part of the Dzhugdzhur massif-type anorthosite, Aldan Shield, Russia, are characterized in detail for the first time. The metamorphic basement host-rocks of the anorthosite massif are crosscut by interlayers and injections of pyroxenite and plagioclase peridotite, which have a different extent of pyrrhotite dissemination. Upward, they give way to olivine-bearing gabbronorites interlayered with bodies of sulfide-bearing pyroxenite and gabbro. Above is a zone 350 m thick of pegmatitic gabbroic anorthosites which hosts the main bulk of the sulfide ores of Nyandoma and Batomga areas. These areas differ from one another by intensity of occurrence of the massive and disseminated pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite nests, and late pyrite-bearing assemblages. Platinum–palladium mineralization is represented by moncheite, sperrylite and kotulskite. Copper-, silver-, and Pt–Pd-bearing gold is found in the pyrite concentrate.

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