
The aim of this study was to analyse possible intra- and postoperative complications and long-term results in combined orthodontic-orthognathic treatment of mentally handicapped patients compared with a control group of patients without handicap. A group of 20 mentally handicapped patients (male = 7, female = 13) and of 102 non-handicapped patients (male = 36, female = 66) were evaluated retrospectively. The results of the two point-discrimination sensory test and the cephalometric findings of both groups were assessed. Complications during and after the operation, the results of nerve function tests and relapse rates were reported. The statistical analysis was carried out using binary logistical regression analysis with adjustment according to the diagnosis and the type of operation (p < 0.05) No significant differences could be found between the mentally handicapped and the non-handicapped patients. Only the nerve function test immediately postoperatively revealed differences between the two patient groups. The relapse rate in mentally handicapped patients was similar to non-handicapped patients. Forty-seven months after the operation, relapse (change in the ANB angle of more than 0.5 degrees ) was observed in four patients only (handicapped patients). Orthognathic surgical procedures in mentally handicapped patients can be carried out with a similarly high success rate as in mentally healthy patients.

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