
A 69-kb Indian muntjac bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone that screened positive for Cervid satellites I and IV was selected for complete sequence analysis and further characterization. The sequences of this BAC clone were found in the centromeres and in some interstitial sites of Indian muntjac chromosomes. Sequence analyses showed that the BAC clone contained a 14.5 kb Cervid satellite I-like DNA element and a 9 kb Cervid satellite IV-like DNA element. In addition, it contained 51 regions each organized in a complex fashion, with sequences homology to intersperse repetitive sequences such as LINEs, SINEs, LTRs, other published DNA elements, and unassigned sequences. The FISH patterns of seven non-satellite sequence elements generated from the BAC clone showed mainly specific to centromeres of the Indian muntjac representing novel centromeric DNAs of the species. Furthermore, FISH signals and Southern blot patterns of these elements suggest the existence of a not yet identified repetitive sequence with giant repeated monomers. Positive FISH signals of these elements were also detected in the centromeric regions of Formosan muntjac. This suggests that these newly identified non-Cervid satellite DNA sequences have been conserved in the centromere of the Formosan muntjac.

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