
Hard counting problems with easy decision version, like computing the permanent and counting independent sets, are of particular importance in counting complexity theory. TotP is the class of all self-reducible problems in #P with decision version in P. It has been a long standing open question to determine TotP-complete problems under strong reductions that preserve exactly the values of the functions (Karp), since Cook reductions blur structural differences between counting classes, specifically under Cook reductions TotP-complete problems are also #P-complete. In this paper we present the first such problems and we show some implications of these results to counting complexity.The problems that we prove to be TotP-complete under Karp reductions are:(a) #Tree-Monotone-Circuit-SAT, which further implies that it is hard to compute, both exactly and approximately, the number of satisfying assignments of monotone circuits, where the monotonicity is defined by a partial order which is given as part of the input.(b) Max-Lower-Set-Size, which implies that given a poset it is hard to compute and approximate the size of a principal upper set, and the size of the maximum lower set all elements of which share a given property P.(c) Size-of-Subtree, which directly implies that every problem in TotP admits a polynomial-time approximation algorithm the error of which depends on the amount of imbalance of the respective self-reducibility tree of the problem. We settle the worst case complexity of this problem, we provide a family of instances that are hard to approximate, and we show exponential time hardness results under variants of the exponential time hypothesis (ETH).(d) #Clustered-Monotone-SAT, which implies that approximating #SAT remains hard even on instances for which some kind of navigation among solutions is possible. Thus we narrow down any further research regarding the polynomial-time approximability of #SAT to instances with the aforementioned property.Among other implications, our results show that all these problems do not admit an FPRAS, unless NP=RP, something that we would not be able to conclude by showing them to be TotP-complete under Cook reductions.1

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