
ABSTRACT W e report on measurement techniques of the charge, spectrum, divergence, transverse emittance and the first realtime -observation of the accelerated electron pulse and the accelerating plasma wa ve. Our time -resolved study allows a single -shot measurement of the electron bunch duration providing a value of 5.8 +1.9 2.1 fs full-width at half maximum- (2 .5+ 0.8 -0.9 fs root mean square) as well as the plasma wave with a density -dependent period of 12 -22 fs. It reveals the evolution of the bunch, its position in the surrounding plasma wave and the wake dynamics. The results afford promise for brilliant, sub-angstrom -wavelength ultrafast electron and photon sources for diffraction imaging with atomic resolution in space and time. Keywords: Ultrahigh -intensity laser, plasmas, laser -plasma interaction, laser wakefield acceleration, few-cycle laser system, electron acceleration, emittance, electron bunch duration 1. INTRODUCTION Laser -driven electron acceration utilizing plasma waves, le -called laser wakefield accelerationthe so (LWFA)

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