
The distribution of apolipoprotein E (apo E) and apolipoprotein J (apo J) was investigated immunocytochemically in rats at various time intervals after 10 min global cerebral ischemia (GCI) induced by cardiac arrest. Strong apo E and weaker apo J immunoreactivity was found extracellularly in multiple deposits located close to the microvessels. These deposits appeared 3 h after GCI and were present, but not in all the animals, at all time intervals studied post-GCI. In some rats, apo E immunoreactivity was also found in small necrotic foci. Widespread, neuronal apo E immunostaining appeared 6 h post-GCI. However, the strongest neuronal apo E immunoreactivity was found 7 days post-GCI in those neurons, most often observed in the CA1 hippocampal region, exhibiting signs of ischemic cell damage. These ischemically damaged neurons displayed weaker immunoreactivity to apo J, despite its increase in the response to GCI in the various brain regions examined. Our data show that mechanisms operating in ischemia are able to supply large amounts of apo E and apo J to the brain tissue and suggest involvement of both apo E and apo J in a complex series of events occurring in the ischemic brain. Perivascular deposits of apo E/apo J colocalized with amyloid beta protein precursor epitopes that have been disclosed by us previously in this model. Whether this phenomenon is limited to postischemic brain tissue, or can be encountered also in other pathological conditions will require further elaboration.

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