
Objective In the context of several studies conform to GCP should be evaluated to what extent definite alternating electromagnetic fields effect in prophylactic use or increase the effect of conventional treatment plans in case of additional complementary use. Materials and methods The evaluation contained 2 random samples—each n=24, divided into 2 subgroups (Control and True) over a 30-day observation resp. treatment period. One sample consisted of elderly patients in rehabilitation period and the other sample consisted of stress-exposed middle-aged people. The main target parameters were the representative functional characteristics of microcirculation, metabolic parameters and the immunologic characteristics of leucocytes in subcutaneous or intestinal target tissues. The methods of measurement consisted of intravitalmicroscopic exploration unit with secondary computer-assisted image processing, intravitalmicroscopic reflexionspectrometry, combined laser-microflow and white-light spectrometry. For the biometric data evaluation the Wilcoxon test (a=5%) was used. In addition comparative evaluations of the effect of several other magnetic or electromagnetic fields from different pulse configurations and intensities were performed. Results After application of definite alternating electromagnetic fields with special pulse configuration to stimulate spontaneous arteriolar vasomotion (BEMER Plus System), elderly patients in rehabilitation period verified during the observation period an increase of the spontaneous arteriolar vasomotion by 20% compared to Control. In stress-exposed middle-aged people the value of increase is slightly lower combined with extended fade characteristics. Furthermore similar significant changes of characteristics have been detected about condition of blood distribution within the microvascular networks, the venular disposal, the venular oxygen utilisation and the immunologic characteristics of leucocytes. In contrast, other extremely weak alternating magnetic fields with constant intermittency showed significant lower effect on the characteristics of microcirculation. Weak static magnetic fields showed no effect on characteristics of microcirculation. Conclusion The evaluated effect of definite alternating electromagnetic fields with special pulse configuration to stimulate spontaneous arteriolar vasomotion (BEMER Plus System) on the microcirculation and the immunologic system is relevant concerning prophylactic and complementary therapeutic use.

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