
Complement activation by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was studied in 82 patients divided into membrane (MOG) and bubble oxygenator groups (BOG). The influence of primed homologous to circulating autologous blood volume (H/A) ratio was also evaluated. C4a increased very slowly during CPB in both groups, maintaining slightly higher levels in the BOG than in the MOG, with the exception of a marked initial rise in the BOG with a high H/A ratio (≥20%). Anaphylatoxin C3a levels increased more steeply in the BOG than in the MOG. An obvious rise in anaphylatoxin C5a production was observed in the BOG alone. The influence of high H/A ratio perfusion on complement activation was milder in the MOG than in the BOG. In 20 monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis), continuous intraaortic infusion with bubbled autologous blood increased C4a and C3a levels, while autologous blood extracorporeally contacted with nylon increased C3a levels alone. In vitro studies revealed that human immunoglobulin fractions denatured by oxygen bubbling produced C4a, C3a, and C5a in a dose-dependent manner, although human albumin treated identically as human immunoglobulin did not produce these complements. It was thus inferred that (1) during CPB, complement is predominantly activated via the classical pathway in the BOG and via the alternative pathway in the MOG; (2) higher anaphylatoxin levels in the BOG than in the MOG are related to mode and grade of blood trauma; (3) anaphylatoxin level differences in both groups tend to increase with high H/A perfusion; and (4) immunoglobulin-free sera may reduce classical pathway activation.

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