
espanolLa alta velocidad de pasaje del alimento en aves es una de las causas determinantes de la baja digestibilidad del alimento. Sin embargo, el uso enzimas ha permitido mejorar el aprovechamiento del alimento. Con el objeto de determinar el efecto de dos complejos enzimaticos comerciales sobre el comportamiento productivo de pollos de engorde, durante la fase inicial (1 –21 dias) y la fase final (22 –49 dias) de pollos, utilizando un diseno completamente al azar con tres tratamientos y seis repeticiones (30 aves por repeticion), se probaron tres tratamientos: alimento sin enzima (T1), alimento + 30 mg R-VP kg-1(T2) y alimento + 30 mg A-1500kg-1(T3). Para la comparacion de medias se utilizo la prueba de Tukey al 5% de probabilidad. No hubo diferencias en el consumo de alimento en la fase inicial y en la fase final, con 0,918 y 4,483 kg ave-1, respectivamente. Las diferencias se observaron unicamente en la fase inicial, en el incremento de peso (IP) y en la conversion alimenticia (CA), sobresaliendo el T1 con 0,646 kg y 1,428 kg ave-1, respectivamente. Los resultados indican que el uso de un complejo enzimatico (R-VP) no afecta el consumo de alimento, pero si mejora la conversion alimenticia durante la fase inicial de lospollos de engorde, por lo que se recomienda la utilizacion de enzimas durante los primeros 21 dias de edad de las aves. EnglishThe high speed of passage of foodin birds is one of the determining causes of the low digestibility of the food. However, the use of enzymes has made it possible to improve the use of the food.In order to determine the effect of two commercial enzymatic complexes on the productive performance of broilers, during the initial phase (1 -21 days) and the final phase (22-49 days) of chickens, using a completely random design with three treatments and six repetitions (30 chickens per repetition), three treatments were tested: food without enzyme (T1), food + 30 mg R-VP kg-1(T2) and food + 30 mg A-1500 kg-1(T3). For the comparison of means, the Tukey test was used at 5% probability. There were no differences in feed intake in the initial phase and in the final phase, with 0.918 and 4.483 kg chicken-1, respectively. The differences were observed only in the initial phase, in the weight increase (PI) and in the feed conversion (CA), with T1 standing out with 0.646 kg chicken-1and 1.428 kg kg-1, respectively. The results indicate that the use ofan enzyme complex (R-VP) does not affect the consumption of food, but if it improves the feed conversion during the initial phase of the broilers, for which theuse of enzymes is recommended during the first 21 days of age of the chickens.

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