
Despite the number of scientific developments related to the theory of competition and factors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises, the problem of their determination for enterprises of the transport and logistics system in the conditions of digitalization and rapid varia­bility, uncertainty of the environment, remains relevant. Based on the theoretical studies of scien­tists in various fields, including transport and logistics, which relate to the impact of digitalization on the competitiveness of enterprises, it is determined that factors that comprehensively cover the possibilities of digitalization and the influence of VUCA and BANI of the world on enterprises and consumer behavior in the digital environment require further consideration. In the article, the theoretical definition of factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises of the transport and logistics system was further developed, which, unlike the existing ones, comprehensively take into account such components as changes in technologies, equipment, enterprise management, consu­mer behavior, and marketing activities. Among the identified factors, considerable attention is paid to innovation, both in engineering and technology, and in enterprise management and marketing activities. An important place among the factors of competitiveness of enterprises is the stakeholder approach to management and marketing, which provides an opportunity to comprehensively take into account the interests of stakeholders, among whom the main ones are consumers of transport and logistics services. Changes in their behavior in the modern world are considered. Factors related to the internal management system that affect the competitiveness of enterprises are also determined. Thanks to a comprehensive approach to determining competitiveness factors and changes occurring in the digital environment, enterprises of the transport and logistics system will be able to form their strategy and tactics in certain aspects, which will increase the level of their competitiveness. The results of the study provide an opportunity to further systematize and detail the factors that affect the competitiveness of enterprises of the transport and logistics system and affect the sustainability of the enterprise in conditions of rapid changes.

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