
The skeletal isomerization of alkenes catalyzed by zeolites involves secondary and tertiary carbenium ions for which respective reactivity cannot be easily assessed by standard theoretical approaches. Thanks to ab initio molecular dynamics, starting from 4-methyl-hex-1-ene (a monobranched C7 alkene), we identify and compare two mechanistic routes for skeletal isomerization: (i) a type B isomerization transforming a secondary carbenium into a tertiary carbenium (conventional route), and (ii) a two-step route involving an intramolecular 1,3 hydride-shift producing a tertiary carbenium, followed by a type B isomerization between two tertiary carbenium ions. We find that, in the case of the secondary cation, the relevant species from a kinetic point of view is the corresponding π-complex. The transition states found for type B isomerization reactions are edge-protonated cyclopropanes (edge-PCP) that exhibit similar stabilities and structures. The transition state for the 1,3-hydride shift is an edge-type PCP ...

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