
This work experimentally verifies and proves the two long since postulated matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) analyte protonation pathways known as the Lucky Survivor and the gas phase protonation model. Experimental differentiation between the predicted mechanisms becomes possible by the use of deuterated matrix esters as MALDI matrices, which are stable under typical sample preparation conditions and generate deuteronated reagent ions, including the deuterated and deuteronated free matrix acid, only upon laser irradiation in the MALDI process. While the generation of deuteronated analyte ions proves the gas phase protonation model, the detection of protonated analytes by application of deuterated matrix compounds without acidic hydrogens proves the survival of analytes precharged from solution in accordance with the predictions from the Lucky Survivor model. The observed ratio of the two analyte ionization processes depends on the applied experimental parameters as well as the nature of analyte and matrix. Increasing laser fluences and lower matrix proton affinities favor gas phase protonation, whereas more quantitative analyte protonation in solution and intramolecular ion stabilization leads to more Lucky Survivors. The presented results allow for a deeper understanding of the fundamental processes causing analyte ionization in MALDI and may alleviate future efforts for increasing the analyte ion yield.

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