
In the Getic of the Carpatho-Balcanides (eastern Serbia) and the Tirgan Formation of the Kopet-Dagh Basin (northeast Iran), platform carbonates were deposited during the Barremian/Early Aptian in environments in the domain of the northern Alpine Tethys and deformed during the Alpine orogeny. In this study, Urgonian carbonate platform deposits are discussed in detail with regard to depositional facies, microfacies, biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology. Detailed sedimentological and palaeontological investigations have been carried out on five sections in eastern Serbia and three sections in northeast Iran supported by an analysis of 392 thin-sections. Petrographic analysis of thin-sections led to the recognition of eight microfacies types grouped into four facies zones. A supratidal–intertidal (restricted)–intertidal (open-lagoon)–platform-margin sand-shoal transition was recorded in both areas. Supratidal facies are characterized by bioclastic mudstones and fenestral and peloidal wackestones and packstones; intertidal (restricted) facies are represented by bioclastic wackestones, whereas intertidal (open-lagoon) facies are indicated by bioclastic packstones/grainstones and oncoid grainstones. High-energy sand-shoal facies are dominated by ooid grainstones/rudstones followed by orbitolinid packstones. Benthic foraminifera are especially abundant and along with calcareous algae are the most important fossils used for age determination of shallow-marine carbonate deposits. Thirty-two benthic foraminiferal genera were identified from eastern Serbia with an additional 38 genera from northeast Iran dominated by agglutinated forms. Identified calcareous algae provide significant data for depositional environments and palaeoecology. The microfossil associations in the two regions are very similar and share a number of common characteristics, but also some differences and show a strong affinity to those of the northern margins of Tethys. In both study areas shallow-marine environments of the Barremian/Early Aptian were replaced by deep-marine conditions during the Late Cretaceous.

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