
Five β-galactosidase preparations (A, B, C, D and E) from different manufacturers were studied comparatively. Their pH stability, optimum pH of the enzyme preparations with 3 substrates (ONPG, lactose and milk) and change on standing were tested by ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-β-galactopyranoside) method and blood sugar GOD perid test. Protease activity and impurities were determined by Casein-Folin method and gel-filtration chromatography, respectively. While preparations B, C, D and E showed almost similar results of stability test, .preparation A was most unstable and apt to undergo change in appearance. Further, preparation A showed protease activity 50-60 times higher than that of the others, and contained impurities. Based on these results, it was concluded that preparations B, C, D and E are better products than preparation A.

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