
Diagnosis of amebiasis is usually performed on a clinical basis alone in most endemic countries having limited economic resources. This epidemiological study was conducted using modern diagnostic tests for amebiasis in the southeastern region of Turkey, an endemic area for amebiasis. The population of this study included patients with symptomatic diarrhea/dysentery attending both Yuzuncu Yil University, Van and Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey. A total of 380 stool specimens were collected and examined for Entamoeba by light microscopy (fresh, lugol, and trichrome staining) and stool antigen detection based- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) test (TechLab Entamoeba histolytica II). 24% (91/380) of stool specimens were positive for E. histolytica/ Entamoeba dispar trophozoites/cysts microscopically using trichrome staining. 13% (51/380) of the stool specimens were found to be positive for E. histolytica by the EIA test, including 15% (14/91) of microscopy (+) stool specimens and 13% (37/289) of microscopy (−) stool specimens. Enteric parasites were common in these populations with 66% (251/380) of the study population harboring more than one parasite. In addition to the 13% (51/380) of patients determined to have E. histolytica by EIA, eighty-six patients (22.6%) had Blastocystis hominis, 54 (14.2%) Entamoeba coli, 44 (11.5%) Giardia lamblia, 16 (4.2%) Chilomastix mesnili, 15 (3.9%) Iodamoeba bütschlii, 12 (3.1%) Hymenolepis nana, 9 (2.3%) Endolimax nana, 9 (2.3%) Dientamoeba fragilis, and 8 (2.1%) had Ascaris lumbricoides. We concluded that E. histolytica infection was found in 13% of the patients presenting with diarrhea in Van and Sanliurfa Turkey.

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