
Thought-Action Fusion (TAF) refers to the tendency to assume incorrect casual relationship between ones own thoughts and external reality, in witch, thoughts and actions are treated as equivalents. This construct is presence to development and maintenance of many psychological d isorders. The Aim o f p resent study is comparison TAF and its levels include moral and likelihood TAF, among Obsessive-Co mpulsive Disorder (OCD),Major Depression and normal groups. Thus three groups included 150 persons were selected by available sampling method in private and governmental psychiatric centers in Ardabil city, and then, they responded to Beck Depression Inventory, Padua Inventory and TAF scale. Data was analyzed using MANOVA. Results revealed that, there is significant differences between OCD and Major Depression groups with normal group in mo ral TAF(p <./.1), and likelihood TAF(p<./.1), but, there is no significant differences between OCD group and Major Depression group in moral TAF and likelihood TAF. The results indicated that, moral and likelihood TAF had equal levels in OCD and Major Depression Disorder, thus they could not differentiate OCD fro m Major Depression Disorder.

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