
Abstract Background Inferior periodontal and pulpal outcomes may follow surgical exposure of palatally impacted maxillary canines. Objectives To compare the periodontal and pulpal health of palatally impacted maxillary canines following either surgical exposure and assisted eruption (SE) or unassisted eruption following extraction of the overlying deciduous canine and orthodontic creation of space in the arch (OT). Methods Twenty–eight subjects (OT group: N = 14; SE group: N = 14) with unilateral palatally impacted canines were examined at least six months after orthodontic treatment. The gingival index score, plaque index score, pocket depth, attachment loss, tenderness to percussion, pulpal responses to stimuli and radiographic assessment of changes in the pulpal cavities and peri-radicular areas were collected on the maxillary canines, lateral incisors and premolars. The contralateral teeth were used as controls. Results There were no significant differences in the plaque index scores, the gingival index scores or the periodontal outcomes between the impacted canines in the two groups (SE and OT). More impacted canines than control canines had lost some periodontal attachment in the SE group (p = 0.004). Although more lateral incisors, canines and premolars on the impacted side had partially obliterated pulps than the corresponding teeth on the control side, the teeth in both groups had similar pulpal responses (p = 0.064). Conclusions Natural eruption and conservative surgical exposure with orthodontic alignment have minor effects on the periodontium. Impacted canines treated surgically and non-surgically had a higher prevalence of pulpal changes than the control canines. Ultimately, the choice of treatment may depend on the clinical indications, the patient’s and the orthodontist’s preferences.

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