
The relationship between postprandial peptides at circulating physiological levels and short-term appetite control is not well understood. The purpose of this study was first to compare the postprandial profiles of ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), and peptide YY (PYY) after isoenergetic meals differing in fat and carbohydrate content and second to examine the relationships between ghrelin, GLP-1, and PYY with hunger, fullness, and energy intake. Plasma was collected before and periodically after the meals for 180 minutes, after which time ad libitum food was provided. Simultaneous ratings of hunger and fullness were tracked for 180 minutes through phases identified as early (0-60 minutes) and late (60-180 minutes) satiety. This study was conducted at the Psychobiology and Energy Balance Research Unit, University of Leeds. The participants were 16 healthy overweight/obese adults. Changes in hunger and fullness and metabolic markers were indicators of the impact of the meals on satiety. Ghrelin was influenced similarly by the 2 meals [F(1, 12) = 0.658, P = .433] and was significantly associated with changes in hunger (P < .05), which in turn correlated with food intake (P < .05). GLP-1 and PYY increased more by the high-fat meal [F(1, 15) = 5.099 and F(1, 14) = 5.226, P < .05]. GLP-1 was negatively associated with hunger in the late satiety phase and with energy intake (P < .05), but the PYY profile was not associated with hunger or fullness, nor was PYY associated with food intake. The results demonstrate that under these conditions, these peptides respond differently to ingested nutrients. Ghrelin and GLP-1, but not PYY, were associated with short-term control of appetite over the measurement period.

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