
Despite the abundance of shale-oil and tight-oil reserves in the Fengcheng Formation within the Mahu Sag, exploration and development efforts for both types of reservoir are still in their early stages. A comprehensive examination and comparison of the pore structures of these reservoirs can establish rational classification and evaluation criteria. However, there is a dearth of comparative analyses focusing on the pore structures of shale-oil and tight-oil reservoirs within the Fengcheng Formation. This study addresses this gap by systematically analyzing and comparing the pore structures of these reservoirs using various techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, and mercury intrusion capillary pressure experiments (MICP). The results show that the shale oil within the Fengcheng Formation exhibits a higher content of carbonic acid compared to the tight-oil samples. Furthermore, it demonstrates smaller displacement pressure and median pressure, a larger sorting coefficient, and superior permeability in contrast to tight oil. Notably, the shale oil within the Fengcheng Formation is characterized by abundant striated layer structures and micro-fractures, which significantly contribute to the microstructural disparities between shale-oil and tight-oil reservoirs. These differences in microstructures between shale oil and tight oil within the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Sag region delineate distinct criteria for evaluating sweet spots in shale-oil and tight-oil reservoirs.

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